Friday, February 26, 2010

I thought I lived in Texas!!!

Or at least that's a phrase I've heard a lot in the last 6 months! In October, we had what seemed like non-stop rain & gloomy days.  Many people thought we suddenly lived in Seattle!

Now, we have had 5 snowfalls so far this winter, which is unheard of in Texas.  The most recent snowfall was on Tuesday, although that one was very minimal & more like a dusting!  Also, Dallas had it's first "White Christmas" in over 80 years. Unfortunately, we missed that one because we were in Houston...bummer!

Just a couple weeks ago, we had the biggest, longest snowfall in one day that I can remember.  I think the snow started falling about 2 a.m. on February 11th, didn't stop until well after midnight on February 12th, & the "official" recorded amount was 12.5 inches. I think I heard that it was a new record for the DFW area too! The kids were out of school for President's Day on the 15th, so the snow days now gave us a 5 day weekend! The only down part was that their Jesus Loves Me parties had to be postponed, but it was worth it to them so that they could play in the snow!

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