Friday, February 26, 2010

Different Kind of Dates

For our Valentine's Date night this year, Greg made plans for us & tried to make it special...he bought tickets to the BALLET for us! This is big for Greg because he's not a fan of the words or singing! While I'm not a huge fan of the ballet, I do LOVE the music & the beautiful display of artistry...& a great reason to get DRESSED UP!!!

I was actually really excited about our date & even went shopping for a new outfit! I bought a dress & even shopped for new accessories (a belt, necklace & earrings!).  I think that I surprised Greg with the dress!

We decided to go to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner. This is a rare treat to go to CF, and we haven't been there in a long while! But this is where the "comedy of errors" seemed to have started!

We were very naive in thinking that we could go to this restaurant on a Saturday evening of Valentine's weekend & not have a wait! We arrived about 5:30ish...parking lot was PACKED (clue #1)...walked into the restaurant to see people standing EVERYWHERE (clue #2), and walk to the hostess stand to find a wait time of 1 HOUR! OUCH! We were shocked...thought that we were doing well by getting there so early! Obviously, not early enough! We've gone to dinner before ON Valentine's Day at an early time, i.e. 5:30, & have had no problem getting in & seated right away! However, I guess it's different at the Cheesecake Factory.

So, plan B, ummmm, what plan B? We didn't have a plan B because we really didn't think this to be a problem! I felt like one of those "all dressed up & no place to go" type of scenarios! We decided to drive towards Ft. Worth & see if anything looked appealing! The problem was that we were dressed up...a little too dressed up for places like Chili's, On The Border, etc.  So, NOTHING looked appealing or acceptable for a Valentine's Date Night Dinner!

So, on to plan a light snack at McDonald's, then go to Cheesecake Factory for a VERY late dinner! Stop at McDonald's #1...accepting only CASH...their debit/credit card machines were down!  We're LAUGHING NOW...are you kidding me?!?! Why is it so hard to find FOOD?!?! We finally find a different McDonald's for a not so healthy "snack" to tie us over until we can finally eat the dinner that we looked forward to.

The ballet was just OK! We saw Romeo & Juliet...I don't recommend it! There are so many classic lines from the Shakespearean play that you obviously don't get to hear.  Then, there are a lot of characters in the play & it's hard to decipher who is who when they don't call each other by name! Also, because of the economy, the ballet organization made a decision to make some financial cuts...they cut the orchestra & went to recorded music! Remember, I mentioned that I LOVE the music. Well, the music just isn't the same when you're listening to a CD. Oh, well, it was a different kind of date for us!

We finally made it to Cheesecake Factory at 11:30 p.m.  I must say this is the LATEST that I've ever had dinner! But the dinner did NOT disappoint! It was very YUMMY, and even though I was full, I ordered a White Chocolate Raspberry Truffle cheesecake to go & to enjoy on the actual Valentine's Day!

So, we have a memorable & funny date night in the books! But at least we were both laughing about it!

Then, this date night was 2 weeks ago & it was fun, but I decided to go for a different date approach!  How about a BREAKFAST date instead!!! There's a breakfast place that I've wanted to try. So, yesterday, Greg & I dropped off the kids at school, then headed out for a breakfast date! The place was good, but the face to face, uninterrupted time is what I enjoyed the most! So, now, Greg wants to do Breakfast Dates more often, but maybe try different places! If anyone has any places they like, we'd appreciate the recommendations...there's only so many sit down restaurants that serve breakfast!

So, while fun & rare places are great for date nights...I think that what I enjoy & look forward to the most about dates are time alone with Greg & face-to-face, uninterrupted conversations! Hmmm, wonder how we can still pull off the breakfast dates when the kids are out of school?!?! I'm suddenly all for year round school...anyone else with me?!?! HA! ;-)

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