Sunday, February 21, 2010

Debate regarding Lenten Fasts

OK...if anyone is actually reading this, I'd really love some input!

I've been told that during Lent, we are "allowed" to "indulge" on Sundays in whatever we've given up for Lent. So, I've debated about this for a couple of reasons:
  1. When Jesus spent his 40 days in the wilderness to fast & pray, he didn't "indulge" in the things that He fasted from...or at least I don't remember reading that He took a "break" once every 7 days! So, why should I allow myself an "indulgence" when he didn't?
  2. If I do allow myself to "indulge" every Sunday, will it make it that much harder to get through the rest of the week without that "sacrifice"?

So, at first, I decided that I would try to NOT log onto Facebook at all...not even on Sundays. However, since I've been blogging a little since the start of Lent, I decided to log onto Facebook to just share my blog postings!

Greg saw that I was on FB & his shocked & surprised reaction (or more like outburst) stirred some very GUILTY feelings...kind of like I was committing the worst possible sin of ALL TIME! And to be totally honest, I do feel like I've given in to something that I've committed to not do...regardless of the legalization & technicalities of what's allowed & what's not!

Then, let's compound those feelings by Colin calling me on it to, "Ummm, Mom, I thought you said that you weren't going to get on Facebook, um, um, Lent?!?!" So, regardless of what's legal & what's not, it's hard to explain those "gray" areas to a 5 year old!

So, just curious, if anyone's out there, what are your thoughts? If instead of sacrificing something for Lent you've committed to doing something, then do you take a break from that commitment on Sundays? I'd love to hear back!

And, now I'm also back to fighting the temptation to get back on Facebook again!


Kristi said...

I did take a break from what I gave up last year on Sundays (caffiene) and it didn't make it harder during the week, but I did look forward to my Sunday treat. I did not "snooze" this morning...but I did not get up and do my journal either, just in time to go to church. I was fully intending to get to the journal sometime today...but alas I have not. So, i think I am going to try to keep my no snooze/prayer journal time on Sundays too from now on. But in future years if I am giving something up instead of adding...I will probably still take the break on Sundays. It really helps me get through it and I just consider Sunday a true sabbath...but I could see it either way, so guess its a personal choice.

grammybear3n1 said...

Indulgence (spelling) is just what it is. Going to where you get to spoil yourself. Get the picture. It is all about you. I gave up cookies because that is one area that needs to go but at the same time, isn't it about moderation. Any way on Sunday, I took only 2 cookies and nothing for the rest of the day. But alas, I just sneaked 2 more cookies!!! and it is only early Tuesday morning. So again I ask - did Jesus have cookies in the desert for dessert? Nope and that is why we decided to follow Jesus and become Christ like. Are you up to it?