Monday, March 1, 2010

Sarah's Lenten Fast - Update #6

Isn't it amazing how we get tempted, even by something we think & know is good, when we've said "God, I'm doing this for you!"

I'm a fan of an organization called Legacy Moms (, and they have challenged Moms to 31 days of prayer in March on behalf of our kids to bring about change & Godly character. Well, here's the kicker...they are sending out daily prayers & scripture through their FACEBOOK page! Uh-oh & bummers for me!!!

OK, Lord, I gave up Facebook for you. You've placed this on my heart, and I've seen the positive benefits of this fast. But, seriously! I really want to participate in this time of committed & focused prayer! So, what do I do?!?! This is a huge temptation because I can see the positive benefits of this time of prayer!

"Don't give up & don't give in" is all I can think of in my head! Oh, the temptation is great to just sign on for this one thing! When Lent is over, this challenge is long over! So, why not log on?!?! But then what happens if I sign on...I know that I'll get distracted by all the other things that are on there! So, NO! I'm not going to log on!

However, I have a friend who is willing to support me & make the extra steps to cut & paste the daily prayers & devotions & email them to me...thanks Jenn!!! WOO HOO! Thank you, Lord, for blessing me with friends that not just support us through prayer but also take the extra steps to help us stay committed to you!

I have a daily scripture flip "calendar" that I have on my desk at work. Here's today's scripture that I think is very fitting:

"My choice is you, God, first and only.
And now I find I'm YOUR choice!...
You made me your heir!" Psalm 16:5-6

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