Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Colin is playing SPORTS!

A little bit of a catch up post!

Colin started playing sports last year. He started with soccer in the spring & played baseball this fall. The only problem with his activities, compared to Sheridan's activities, is that they are outdoor! For both the spring & fall sports last year, we had A LOT of rainouts & what seems to be endless rescheduling! In the end though, Colin is very patient & understanding about the rain & hides his disappointment very well!

Colin's soccer season was played in the Spring through Upward Sports, and his team was called the Lions. We've really enjoyed the Upward program that Sheridan has participated with her cheerleading. The program is very laid back & emphasizes encouraging & including all children, no matter their skill level. The program prays before every game & has a devotional at the end of every practice. They also encourage the players to memorize scripture.

I guess at this age, it's probably more accurate to really call this sport Bunch Ball instead of soccer. However, Colin played hard and didn't feel discouraged, even though he was one of the smallest boys out there. He didn't score a goal this season, but came very, very close to it and kept trying! There were a few times that he would get run into by other players, and he would just shake it off, play the tough guy, and keep on going! I was very surprised by his "toughness" especially when other "bigger" boys would come off the field crying!

Colin's baseball season was organized through the local youth baseball league. His team was called the Scrappers! His original schedule had his last game scheduled for October 15th. However, due to A LOT of rain and many, many, many rescheduled games, his season was extended into the 1st weekend in November! Again, he was very patient with the weather and very attentive to the game.

Colin played every position, including catcher, and was even awarded the game ball for his efforts in that game. In his last game, Colin played 1st base & managed to get 3 or 4 players out at 1st! It was really exciting to watch. We really enjoyed this team too. His coach was very laid back and very encouraging to all the boys! Some of this team actually played tee-ball together last Spring. We were hoping that Colin would be able to continue with the same coach this next season, but he's been placed on the Braves team. So far, his coach seems a little more "hard core" than his previous coach. However, all the coaches seem to be focusing on the boys learning more technique & skill. So, this will hopefully be a good experience for him.

He has really enjoyed playing both sports. However, both sports coincide this Spring, so Colin has chosen to play baseball instead! So far, 3 practices have been either rained out or fields too muddy to practice! The season starts in a couple of weeks, so we'll have to wait & see what the weather will bring! Thankfully, there is an INDOOR Upward Soccer league that we'll let BOTH kids participate in this summer!

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