Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Sarah Joins a Gym

Well...I've finally purchased a gym membership. I found a deal that I was willing to pay for through Costco to 24 Hour Fitness. I'm just hoping that I will actually use it since in the past I haven't used them. I also now need to wait for them to ship the paperwork before I can actually use it.

Since before our vacation in June, I haven't worked out much at home. This morning I made myself workout, and I'm very out of shape. In the past 6 weeks, I've only worked out a handful of times. So hopefully through accountability through Greg and friends, I'll get my monies worth by actually going!

All I know is that I'm tired of getting up at 5 or 6 AM to workout at home before my kids get up, and I also want a change in workout routine and hopefully some time with a personal trainer, if it's affordable. I am also excited about being able to workout somewhere when I go out of town! I'm not excited about having to drive to Lewisville to use it though. Oh well, every opportunity always seems like a give and take situation!

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