Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Cowboy Camp

Colin had his 1st day camp experience today. I can't believe that he's 4 now and getting so big! He went to the 1st half of a Cowboy Camp at WinKids. I was very hesitant about sending him because he doesn't deal well with new places, faces, and experiences. However, I was talked into it, and Colin said he wanted to go! So he picked this camp. Of course, as soon as I check him in, he starts crying BIG TEARS and loud cries....I did say that he's 4 now right?!?! (Sheridan says to put here that he SCREAMED!)

I told him that he would have a GREAT time, but he didn't care! However, I didn't care if he was crying, he was staying and he was GOING TO HAVE FUN too! (I had paid for the class, and it wasn't refundable.) So I felt bad leaving him screaming there, but they said they would call if he didn't calm down.

Greg is the one who picked him up, and the staff said that he calmed down a few minutes after we left. Then, Colin said that he had fun too! He liked jumping in the foam pit, and he brushed a pony! He says that he is going to go back on Thursday, and he will get to ride the pony too. Hopefully the drop off will go much smoother and without the drama!

So why the tears??? I don't get why both my kids did very well as babies being dropped off at church and Kids Day Out. However, when Colin turned 3 and Sheridan turned 4, both of them suddenly had separation anxiety! And it hasn't stopped! Maybe one of these days I'll have kids again that will look forward to new things. What am I saying though....don't we all get stuck in our comfort zones and have a few fears of trying new things. So, with that said, let's hope Thursday goes well for Colin and that maybe we all can find something new to try!

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