Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Stylist Sheridan, part 2

Here are pics of Sheridan's haircut, after the self-given one and during and after the professional one.

As you can see from the first pics, she wasn't very happy about what she did and knew that I was upset. Sheridan became more distraught when she found out that she was going to have to pay for the fix from money she'd been saving to buy something Hannah Montana!

I took her to a salon school because they are cheaper than Walmart but do a better job, plus Sheridan wouldn't lose all her money. They tried to keep as much of her length in back as possible and managed to blend one side pretty well. However, Sheridan's right side was cut a lot shorter than her left. So, we'll have to grow it out some more and go back in a month or two to cut & blend some more. Whew! I was afraid that we'd have to cut very short in order to fix this!

I do hope that she has learned her lesson. While we were at the salon school, she saw lots of ladies with WEIRD hair colors and was a pretty freaked out! She says that she doesn't want to go back there. So, she's been warned of what will happen if she does this again! Currently, she's convinced that cutting her own hair isn't worth it! Let's hope she remembers this!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Cheer Camp

This week was Sheridan's turn for day camp. Sheridan picked Cheer Camp for her special time and went 4 mornings this week. She has really become interested in cheerleading, and it's so much fun for this former cheerleader to watch!

Thursday was the last day of the camp, and the cheerleaders had a short show-off time. Here's some video for you to enjoy. I decided a little late to take some digital video, so the beginning of both segments is a little cut off.

This short video is Sheridan doing a straddle jump. Look how she points her toes! Great job Sheridan!

Of course, I had to include the photos I took. These wouldn't be true pictures of Sheridan unless she poses for us! Of course, Sheridan decided to do some traditional cheer poses!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Stylist Sheridan

Mommy and Daddy went on a date Friday night.
Sheridan and her scissors rendezvoused in the bathroom light.
The unsuspecting couple enjoyed our time on our date.
Papa Mark said 'Wait!', but it was too late.
Now Sheridan's bangs and scissors share the same banished plight.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Cowboy Camp, day 2

Colin went to the last half of Cowboy Camp today. He was so excited about going and knew that he would get to "ride" the pony. He told me last night, "It's a little pony" and imagine him holding up his two tiny fingers to make an inch size! He's so cute!!!
The picture below was taken by the WinKids staff & printed on regular paper. I scanned it in, so the quality isn't great. But at least we can see how "little" the pony really is!
Colin did better today being dropped off. After I put his nametag on, he started to get teary-eyed but managed to walk in on his own. Then, while I'm waiting to sign him in, he sneaks back out for "last hugs." I was about to cry for him because he looked so sad. While he wasn't screaming this time and walked back in on his own, I felt worse today then I did on Tuesday. I watched from a distance as he stood by the foam pit and was crying silent tears and not moving. One of the staff members walked over to him, picked him up, talked to him, and tried to comfort him. He was still crying when anyone tried to talk to him, but managed to stop crying if they left him alone. We asked him if he had fun, and we get an emphatic "YEAH!" However, he asked me if he had to go back to Cowboy Camp. When I tell him that Cowboy Camp is over, he is VERY EXCITED!!!

WOW! I didn't want to torture my child or make him feel abandoned! I felt terrible for him! One of my friends pointed out that I should feel great that Colin loves us so much and doesn't want to be separated from us. However, I just wanted to give him a chance to have some fun on his own and something special that he doesn't normally get to do! Maybe next year will be different when he's a little older....hopefully! Until then, we'll just accept that Colin likes familiar places & faces and loves to be with his family!


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Sarah Joins a Gym

Well...I've finally purchased a gym membership. I found a deal that I was willing to pay for through Costco to 24 Hour Fitness. I'm just hoping that I will actually use it since in the past I haven't used them. I also now need to wait for them to ship the paperwork before I can actually use it.

Since before our vacation in June, I haven't worked out much at home. This morning I made myself workout, and I'm very out of shape. In the past 6 weeks, I've only worked out a handful of times. So hopefully through accountability through Greg and friends, I'll get my monies worth by actually going!

All I know is that I'm tired of getting up at 5 or 6 AM to workout at home before my kids get up, and I also want a change in workout routine and hopefully some time with a personal trainer, if it's affordable. I am also excited about being able to workout somewhere when I go out of town! I'm not excited about having to drive to Lewisville to use it though. Oh well, every opportunity always seems like a give and take situation!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Cowboy Camp

Colin had his 1st day camp experience today. I can't believe that he's 4 now and getting so big! He went to the 1st half of a Cowboy Camp at WinKids. I was very hesitant about sending him because he doesn't deal well with new places, faces, and experiences. However, I was talked into it, and Colin said he wanted to go! So he picked this camp. Of course, as soon as I check him in, he starts crying BIG TEARS and loud cries....I did say that he's 4 now right?!?! (Sheridan says to put here that he SCREAMED!)

I told him that he would have a GREAT time, but he didn't care! However, I didn't care if he was crying, he was staying and he was GOING TO HAVE FUN too! (I had paid for the class, and it wasn't refundable.) So I felt bad leaving him screaming there, but they said they would call if he didn't calm down.

Greg is the one who picked him up, and the staff said that he calmed down a few minutes after we left. Then, Colin said that he had fun too! He liked jumping in the foam pit, and he brushed a pony! He says that he is going to go back on Thursday, and he will get to ride the pony too. Hopefully the drop off will go much smoother and without the drama!

So why the tears??? I don't get why both my kids did very well as babies being dropped off at church and Kids Day Out. However, when Colin turned 3 and Sheridan turned 4, both of them suddenly had separation anxiety! And it hasn't stopped! Maybe one of these days I'll have kids again that will look forward to new things. What am I saying though....don't we all get stuck in our comfort zones and have a few fears of trying new things. So, with that said, let's hope Thursday goes well for Colin and that maybe we all can find something new to try!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Colin's 4th Birthday

We celebrated Colin's 4th Birthday at Pump It Up in Coppell. The theme of the invitations, cake and some decorations was Diego! Everyone had a great time jumping and sliding around, even the adults had a blast! Check out our pics!

On Colin's actual birthday, we went out to dinner and had cupcakes for dessert! I still can't believe that he's already 4. Where did all the time go???

Happy, Happy 4th Birthday Colin! We love you!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Our Little Clowns

Well, it's been a while since we posted anything, and we will try to post pictures from Colin's party soon! Until then, here's some pics from our little clowns!

I think the theme for Tuesday's Kids Kamp was clowns. They made these hats as well as a sugary snack made like a clown! They had fun with the hats and were proud of the little clowns they made too!