Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Pirate Colin, Our Growing Boy

Colin is getting so big and growing so fast! A couple of weeks ago, I had to take him to his pediatrician for a follow-up check on his asthma and for a height & weight check. His asthma is doing really great, and the dr. thinks that we can start weaning him off of one of his medications. However, this is a busy time of year for me at work, so we will be SLOWLY weaning him off, just to make sure that he doesn't get sick or have a flare up, which causes me to have to stay & work from home. His height & weight are doing pretty well too. In the last 6 months, Colin grew about 2 inches and gain about 1.5 pounds. He's now a lengthy 40 inches tall and weighs a strapping 32 pounds. He's still only about the tenth percentile compared to other 4 year old boys, but we were excited about the 2 inch growth!

So, after the dr. visit, we had a beautiful December afternoon with the weather and about 45 minutes to kill before we picked up his sister from school. Colin was very cooperative with the dr, so I decided to take him to a nearby park. I call him my "Monkey Boy" because he LOVES to climb on just about anything. In fact, he's growing so much that he didn't want me to "spot" him on anything that he climbed on. He was insistent that he could do it himself and didn't need any help from me. Meanwhile, as I'm watching my monkey boy climb high on some of the equipment, my heart was RACING! I did tell him that I really didn't want to take him back to the dr. if he fell. His grown up response was, "Don't worry Mommy! I won't fall because I'm being careful!"

In between his climbing adventures, we played on the playground that is shaped like a sailboat. Colin loves to pretend to be a pirate. In fact, he said that he was the captain and was talking the ENTIRE time like a pirate. Imagine Colin talking with a deep, scruffy voice...well as deep & scruffy as a 4 year old can get. It was so cute and so funny. Unfortunately, the only camera I had on me was my phone. So, I could only take pictures and couldn't video our pirate adventures. It was fun to pretend with him! I was either walking the plank, being rescued by Colin from the surrounding sharks, or being "tossed around" & trying to not get "sea sick" from his WILD steering of the ship! We were laughing so hard and having such a great time that Colin didn't want to leave! He told me that either Daddy or Mrs. Douglas (our neighbor we carpool with) could pick up Sheridan! But alas, I did finally get him off the playground with the hopes of returning on another great weather afternoon!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Update from Greg

Hi all,

It's been awhile since I posted anything on here so I thought I'd dive in again.

Well, the "family project" of the play kitchen was only a family project for about 15 minutes with Colin until our resident Fixer decided he wanted to watch Bob the Builder fix stuff instead of him actually doing it. Sheridan and Sarah were out so I got the majority of it. Sheridan came back towards the end of the 3 hr task and was more than happy to help screw in some bolts to help finish it out.

I'm long overdue on a report of Sheridan's and my camping trip with the YMCA Adventure Guides. We went to Camp Simpson in south central Oklahoma in October (I think). Sheridan had a great time. We hadn't gotten a tent yet so I borrowed a two-man tent from our neighbors. Talk about feeling like the low man on the tent totem pole! We were surrounded by tent mansions! I grew up using a four-man tent, but these tents were three-bedroom tents...utilized by two people most of the time.

Anyway, Sheridan enjoyed making new friends. We carpooled up with somebody that neither of us knew, but had a good time getting to know them. Sheridan had her first experience with smores and loved them. Although she could only have one, she enjoyed helping her friends make them. Let's see....what else....Sheridan has no interest in shooting, really enjoyed the canoeing, liked throwing water on me for the new member initiation at the bonfire, enjoyed staying up late, and playing in the forest. We had a water balloon catapult contest with other "circles" (groups). Sheridan didn't want to get wet so I stuck her in the back of our group while I got out front to try to catch the incoming water balloon volleys. At the end she emerged with wet jeans from her shins on down after a balloon hit the ground in front of her. :) I just got done registering for the winter campout the 2nd weekend in February at Possom Kingdom Lake. We're looking forward to horseback riding, a boat ride, and maybe some snow!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas 2008

We wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, and I had to get a post in on Christmas Day!

We actually started on Christmas Eve with the traditional gift of coordinating pajamas! The kids will sleep in these and open gifts in these in the morning....after our traditional Christmas morning picture in front of the tree!

We had a fun Christmas day that actually began kind of late! Sheridan slept until 7:45 this morning, and Greg and Colin both slept until 8:30. For our kids, this is actually pretty late, and Sheridan was doing great at waiting PATIENTLY for everyone to get up. Then, both kids managed to restrain themselves when it came to opening gifts. They each took turns opening them! We decided this year to buy them a "combo" gift for both of them. They really needed to replace their play kitchen because the oven door and sink faucet have both broken off. This is a favorite item in our playroom that is still utilized by both kids. So the big gift is the kitchen that Greg has decided we'll assemble together as a family. The kids finished opening gifts by opening Santa's last. It was funny to see them YELLING up the fireplace & chimney, "THANK YOU SANTA!" Too cute!

We spent most of the remainder of the day at my mom's house. First, we went for a BIG breakfast and a little relaxation! Then, came home to make our food, cut out Christmas cookies, decorate Birthday cupcakes for Jesus, and shower. Later, we returned to Mom's for dinner and gift exchanges.

Both of the kids received stick horses from their Uncle Jimmy, Auntie Mel & Cousin Elliott. It's definitely a favorite, and Colin took an opportunity to play with both while on Greg's lap. It was pretty funny to watch them.

We hope that you all enjoyed your Christmas Day and were able to spend it with either family or friends. We enjoyed remembering that today is Jesus' Birthday, and that alone is a wonderful reason to celebrate! Merry Christmas!

Santa Visit 2008

We couldn't let a Christmas go by without a visit to see Santa Claus!

This year, a friend told me about the "Santa Wonderland" at the Bass Pro Shops. It's free! They have coloring stations, shooting game stations, trains to watch, stuff around the store to look at, PLUS a FREE 4x6 picture with Santa. Of course, we couldn't pass that up, and the kids seem to enjoy all the other stuff too!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Greg is 35!!!

Happy, Happy Birthday to Greg! He turned 35 today, and I had to do a post on his birthday!
Greg got to spend the day at home and enjoy some alone time and silence, or knowing him, he probably had the radio blaring! After Sheridan got home from school and we had some excitement involving a neighbor, we went as a family to The Keg in Las Colinas for a great steak dinner. Then, we came home, sang "Happy Birthday" to him, ate cake and surprised him with a new clock radio that he can dock his ipod on. We, then, were surprised to find out that it doesn't have AM radio on it, which Greg listens to a lot and even though the store sign said it did. So, after the kids were in bed, Greg spent the rest of the evening online shopping, comparing & reading reviews of other ipod docking radios and bought the one he really wants and that we can afford! Sounds like a great day to me!

Happy 35th Birthday Honey! We love you, Greg!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Pumpkin Patch 2008

Before we get too far away from the fall, I thought that I'd post this year's Pumpkin Patch pictures. Every fall, we visit this GREAT pumpkin patch for some FREE family fun and an opportunity for some great pictures!

I'm going to steal a word from a friend and admit that I am a "Mammarazzi" when it comes to taking pictures at the Pumpkin Patch. I love posing my kids and taking these cute pictures! This year, they weren't so thrilled to have to sit & pose for me...oh well!

Every year, we take a picture of the kids in front of this chart and see how much they've grown. I thought that you'd enjoy seeing how much they've grown & changed over the years!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

"Making" Money

Part of my job at the church is to count money, even coins, and get it ready for depositing to our bank. Some of our ministries do different types of collections to help raise money for special projects. For example, Children's Ministry collects quarters for the Water is Basic project (go to to learn more). The Women's Ministry collects "Small Change for Big Change," and they collect all types of change and together help various women make Big Changes in their lives around the world.

Colin loves to come in my office and help me "make money," as he likes to call it. Basically, he helps me by placing the coins in our coin sorter/counter so that I can roll the coins and know the amount that we have. I think that he thinks we are "making money" because the coins go in the top all together, then are "produced" out the bottom into the appropriate containers. He gets excited about helping me and tells me that he's working too! He really is a cute, sweet boy!

Back to the Baby Days!

Earlier in the month, I had my monthly Comfort Zone (nursery) duty at our church. This happened to be a day when Greg worked the night before, and therefore, was at home sleeping. So I had the kids at the church by myself.

While I was finishing the clean up, the kids managed to entertain themselves in an interesting manner. It was really cute, and I had to capture it with my phone camera!

As you can see, they enjoyed pretending to be babies again and were even crawling over each other...just as our crawling babies do in the nursery!

Sheridan Leads Bible Pledge at Chapel

This week, Sheridan's "job" in her class was to lead her class everyday in the pledge to the Bible. So, in chapel, her class leads the entire school every week in the pledges to the American flag, the Christian flag, and the Bible. So, I thought that you'd like to see her in action.

Sorry the pictures are so dark. I had to take them from the back of the room!
Here's video of it, probably dark too!

When I go to chapel, Colin goes with me & wanted his picture taken too!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Should Sheridan get a boy hair cut?!?!

We are beginning to toy with the idea of cutting Sheridan's hair SHORT...more boyish style!!!

Why, you ask?!?! Sheridan has beautiful, long, girlish hair!!! Well, Sheridan came home yesterday with a note in her folder stating that someone in her class was found with head lice. So, as a precaution, we decided to do a head check...YUP! She too has it! UGH, GROSS!!!

So, last night, after calling a friend that recently dealt with this, I ran to Target and bought the full household treatment package...shampoo, treatment gel, and spray for non-washable items. Sheridan & I spent 4 hours of our life last night treating her hair...Sheridan's hair is thicker than I originally thought! Poor girl didn't get to bed until after 11pm, and she was complaining of her bottom hurting from sitting in one spot for so long!
So, this morning, we needed to check her hair...found 5 more and counting!!! Those little DEVILS!!! So we are about to spend the next 4 hours of our life treating her hair again!!! URGH!!!

I am now finding out too (for those of you with girls), that lice actually prefer CLEAN hair over "dirty/treated" hair. Glad that I keep Sheridan's hair so clean, but will have to think twice the next time that I think she needs her hair washed!!! Once this is all over & past us, I will be "treating" her hair everyday with hairspray before she steps foot outside our home! Definitely do not want to do this again!!!!
So, Greg would really like to shave her BALD right now!!! Someone stop him from getting his clippers!!!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Pioneer School and Log Cabin Village

Last Thursday, Sheridan and the entire 2nd grade of LCA went to Log Cabin Village for a field trip. First, we had to find "proper" Pioneer attire for her to wear. Then, we had to pack her an "authentic" pioneer lunch, maybe with some pretending! How'd we do?!?!
There were actually some outfits that looked authentic, but most of the parents of girls went online and ordered costumes for their girls to wear. We decided to go the economical route and put something together. The skirt and shawl came from Sheridan's Mimi. I found the shirt and a pair of black ankle boots at Once Upon a Child (resale shop) for her. The basket is mine, but she had an authentic tin cup that she drank out of. The cup belonged to Mimi's Great-Grandfather, and he used it next to his well!

For her lunch, we had to pack food items that we would have found in the 1800's, so nothing processed or plastic (for food packaging or drink containers). So we "pretended" that we made our own bread and slaughtered our own turkey for our turkey sandwiches. Didn't you know that we also raise our own chickens so that we can have boiled eggs?!?! We also ate beef jerky and cornbread muffins. By the way, Sheridan's dad has become a great blacksmith and was able to make us mini-muffin tins so that our cornbread muffins wouldn't be too big!!! Finally, we raise our own cows so that we can get fresh milk and make our own cheese too! See...pretending can be fun!!!

The kids spent the morning in a Pioneer schoolhouse and got to experience what school would be like. I think that Sheridan likes her 21st century school much, much better! During school time, the moms met at the nearby vintage Panera Bread Bakery & Cafe for our own "Pioneer" snacks and mom time! We met the kids for our Pioneer lunch and picnicked on the grass. Then, we spent the afternoon taking a tour of the Log Cabin Village to see how Pioneers worked and lived.

It was a fun day, and I hope to take our family together, maybe next Spring or Fall, when Colin's a little older. There's one house that the kids can actually go into and touch the furnishings, etc. They will dress up again and act out a "day in the life of a pioneer child," i.e. churning butter, washing clothes, ironing clothes, pumping water, collecting eggs, etc. However, this house can only handle "small" groups of kids, so they didn't let our big tour experience this part.

This field trip was actually nostalgic for me. I remember going to Log Cabin Village when I was in the 2nd grade too! However, we did get to do more of the hands on things. In one picture, you will see an older woman (the oldest employee in the city of Fort Worth) talking to the kids behind a plexi-glass window. When I went, we didn't have the windows separating us, and we got to touch and experience lots. We even got to try candle dipping! How times have changed!

I think the best part of the day was just spending time with Sheridan and experiencing/learning with her! By the way, she likes our house much better and doesn't want a log cabin...didn't like the idea of sleeping on the wood floor with her 6-7 other siblings in the same room!!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Noah's Ark?!?!

Recently, on a Sunday, we found ourselves staying home from church, both a combo of oversleeping and keeping Colin home during an asthma flair up!

Greg decided to act out a devotional time about Noah's Ark. The kids seemed to enjoy it!
We were able to talk about how Noah obeyed God, even when his friends made fun of him. We talked about being patient while on the boat and being thankful to God for saving us and giving us everything we need. We, also, talked about the importance of not fighting with each other because it would just make everyone miserable and to work together! It really was fun!

Halloween 2008

We had a fun halloween night this year. Sheridan dressed up as a cowgirl, and Colin was a race car driver! Both outfits were practically FREE, and the kids were very excited about their costumes. Funny thing about Colin's Race Car Driver costume, everyone kept asking Colin which race car driver was his favorite and who he was rooting for. We have absolutely NO CLUE! Colin just liked the outfit! We didn't even know that there was a big race this weekend at the Texas Motor Speedway!!!
As it turns out, both Sheridan and her best friend, Isabelle, were both dressed as cowgirls! They were so cute together!

We let the kids go trick or treating for about an hour. Colin did so much better than last year. He walked up to the doors with or without Sheridan and would say "Trick or Treat" and "Thank you" to each homeowner. Greg & I were able to stand back and watch our son become grown up and independent before our eyes! Last year, we had to walk to the doors with him, and he wouldn't say a word to the homeowners. This year, he would walk up on his own and sometimes insist on "going alone" (as much as we would let him). But, Colin did tire out after about 30 minutes, then wanted to be carried the remainder of the time. Sheridan was having a great time going door to door. So Greg carried Colin on his shoulders the remainder of the time, and Sheridan proceeded to fill her bucket, then fill Colin's too!

We finished the night by coming back to our house, turning our lights on, and passing out candy to more kids! It's a toss up on which the kids liked better, going door to door or passing the candy out!

This is the 2nd year that we've let the kids go trick or treating. Since Sheridan can't eat the candy, we take it to their pediatric dentist who will "buy" the candy from them. She pays them $1 for every pound of candy. So, this year, Sheridan wanted to take the candy to the dentist the very next day, but her offices were closed. The kids waited patiently and sold their candy on Tuesday. Sheridan was paid $4, and Colin was paid $2 (I redistributed some of Colin's candy to Sheridan's bucket since she was the one that did most of the work). Colin did ask why Sheridan got more money and understood my explanation that Sheridan did more trick or treating than he did.

Here are pictures of one of their favorite treats from the night that we let them keep!

I must say that I was very proud of my kids for how they handled their candy money. They each divided the money up between their Spend, Save, and Give envelopes. I was going to let them put it all in their Spend envelopes, but they insisted on dividing it up, just like they do with their chore money! They are learning early how to handle their money! Hopefully, they'll remember when their older!

Canton Shopping

OK...since it's been almost four weeks since we posted anything, I thought that I'd do a quick catch up posting!

About 6 weeks ago or so, I spent a day shopping in Canton with some friends and had a wonderful time! A BIG Thank You to my husband who stepped up and played me for a day!! (He took Sheridan to school, did our grocery shopping, and did my afternoon of carpool duty!!) I was finally able to find some pieces to decorate our house...yes, it's been almost 5 1/2 years to do this! I went to Canton on a Friday, and Greg & I spent the following morning hanging it ALL up!

So I thought that I'd share my wonderful finds!

Dining Room Decor, best VALUE decor!!! Mirror...FREE and repainted (was given to me over a year ago at a FREE Garage Sale). Metal artwork was marked down to $17 each from $50!!! Still looking for something RED to add color to the wall.

I'm not crazy about the cross, sign, picture arrangement in our bedroom. For now, it will do. I'm not exactly sure how I want it to look.

Apparently, First Monday Trade Days is open on New Year's Day!!! Since I'm not interested in watching a bunch of college football (especially since my team will probably not be playing), my sister and I are planning a shopping trip on this day. Anyone else want to join us??? Let's see what other bargains and inspirations we can find!!!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Casanova Colin

Once again, Mommy's heart is breaking!!! I was paid a visit by our Kids Klub director at IBC on Tuesday and was told that Colin and his very good friend, Emma, have been kissing and hugging on each other!!!! AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!

Now, I've heard Colin talk at home about how he and Emma are going to GET MARRIED one day! I can totally hear Sheridan's influence when he says this. But then, come to find out that he and Emma actually talk about it and act it out...WHOA!!!!!

So, Greg and I had to have a talk with him. You could tell that he knew that he had done something wrong, but at the same time, he doesn't completely understand why it's wrong. I mean, Mommy & Colin kiss all the time. Sheridan & Colin kiss each other good night (a very sweet insistence on both their parts). Colin also kisses his aunts, grandmothers, and cousins! So, you could see the look on his face of "why not Emma!" I did explain that Emma is not family and that they were too young to be doing this. I think that he actually understood it!

So, for now, I have another child that is growing way too fast....and of course, a husband who is proud of his son for going after the girls! I just hope that this isn't a true taste of what life will be like with Colin as a teenager!!! AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Success to a 4 Year Old

What is SUCCESS to a 4 year old???

Being able to drive to a nearby hospital to see the much ANTICIPATED helicopter that he has been patiently waiting for!
We finally saw the helicopter, and Colin was very excited and satisfied! Yes, we were late to school on Monday, but he didn't care! He got his helicopter fix! The hospital has it fenced off for safety and security, so we can't get too close. But Colin is satisfied with just seeing it. Again, so easily entertained!

So Easily Entertained!

My kids really make me laugh and bring big smiles to my face!

Yesterday, our family ran some errands together. While Greg was trying on his new suit, Colin and Sheridan managed to entertain themselves! They were so cute that I couldn't resist pulling out my camera phone and taking some pictures to share.

Of course, Sheridan had to pose for us!!

Again, goofing off...they take pictures just fine, no problem! But tell them to stand still, look at the camera & smile...that's another adventure!

Kids & Pictures

Why is it that kids are so hard to photograph?!?!

The kids received a package in the mail today from their Mimi & Papa V. They opened it to find a Pirate t-shirt for Colin and an Aggie Cheerleader outfit for Sheridan. Both wanted to put them on immediately!
So I thought that I'd take a "quick" picture of them to email to Mimi & Papa and to say thank you! Do you know how many pictures I had to take?!?! Too many! And I didn't even get what I think is a good one! I finally gave up and decided to send what I had.
These are what's left after deleting a few!
Sheridan NOT smiling
Still not smiling

Colin looking off! kids DON'T have bug eyes AND I asked Sheridan to get the hair out of her face!
But she smiles great for this one!

Yes...I would NEVER make it as a professional children's photographer!!!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The 1st Six Weeks of the 2nd Grade

Sheridan recently finished the 1st six weeks of this school year. Every year after the 1st six weeks, LCA holds parent/teacher conferences to discuss the student's progress and answer questions, etc. We could have a conference with her teacher anytime we wanted, but this is a day dedicated for these conferences and the elementary students don't have school!

We were shown Sheridan's report card and once again, enjoyed hearing that she made the "A" Honor Roll! This, actually, was no surprise to us because ALL of the papers she brings home have A's on them! I did also like seeing on Thursday that every paper she brought home that had a grade on it was a 100!!!

Sheridan is doing EXTREMELY well in her schoolwork. It almost makes me wonder if the work is too easy and if she's bored??? I did ask her teacher, and she says that she does have to challenge Sheridan and a few other students in other ways to make sure that they can apply what they've learned and not just do it on paper....Good to hear!

We are very proud of Sheridan and her accomplishments! She definitely keeps us on our toes!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

A Colin & Mommy Weekend!

Sheridan and Daddy are off on a Daddy/Daughter camping trip with some of our friends. We'll blog about that later...hopefully, Greg is getting some good pictures! However, since I sent the camera with Greg for Sheridan's 1st camping trip, I had to take pictures with the camera on my phone. But hey, at least I got pictures!

So, Colin and I had the weekend all to ourselves, this is a first for us! First, we spent Friday evening with the ladies and some of the kids from our home group. Afterwards, we ran to Target for a quick errand. Colin really is ALL BOY! While looking at some clothes for him, he decides to climb on the garment rack to hang or swing off of them! I told him that he's my "Monkey Boy," to which he just laughs and starts climbing MORE! I tell him to be careful (typical mom) and he always responds, "I won't get hurt because I won't fall!" Gotta love boys!

Then, today was the busy/fun day for us. After a leisure "special" breakfast, Colin and I headed to Michael's to make craft pumpkins. I let Colin do whatever he wanted on HIS pumpkin. It actually turned out pretty cute!

Then, a friend told me about an open house at the Central Fire Station in Flower Mound. So, Colin and I drove to Flower Mound in the hopes of seeing some firetrucks up close and more importantly, a HELICOPTER. Of course, we got there past the scheduled helicopter time! However, we found out that the CareFlight helicopter was called to an emergency and was hoping to come later. Colin & I saw a ladder firetruck with the ladder fully extended, a HAZ-MAT simulated treatment "area," a mock rescue extraction from a car (they cut up the car to peel back the doors and top), an ambulance, and a safety house that simulated what to do in a house fire. There was also the chance for kids to use a fire hose to put out a fire, but Colin didn't want to stand in the long line to do this. I was curious why, and he said "No, thanks, if I hold the hose, I might get wet." Of course, no arguments from me, you should have seen the LINE!!!

By the time we left the fire station, the helicopter still hadn't shown up, so I told Colin that we would come to the nearby hospital (close to our house) to see the CareFlight helicopter that's usually there and was there earlier this morning. By the time we returned from Flower Mound, the helicopter was gone. We went back to Michael's to finish our pumpkins (we ran out of time trying to make it to Flower Mound for the scheduled helicopter time). After Michael's, we went back to the hospital before heading to my nephew's football game. Unfortunately, still no helicopter. While at Elliott's football game, we saw the helicopter fly over and head back to the hospital. So I told Colin that we would stop by the hospital before we went home. Of course, STILL no helicopter! I guess that it was a VERY busy day for CareFlight!

Still my Monkey Boy, Colin was climbing all over these bleachers at Elliott's game and wouldn't even sit still for this picture!

We spent a quiet evening at home. Since it was just us, I gave Colin the FREE choice of having whatever he wanted for dinner. At first, he wanted pizza. But last night and all day today, he wanted only mac 'n cheese, even asked for it for breakfast and lunch! I love having such a simple family! So Colin enjoyed mac 'n cheese for dinner, had a bath, and fell quickly asleep in bed!

Tomorrow, we get to go to church, and hopefully, Daddy & Sheridan will be home shortly after we return. Even though Colin and I had a wonderful time together, our family isn't complete without Daddy and Sheridan, and we miss them both!!!