Saturday, November 15, 2008

Halloween 2008

We had a fun halloween night this year. Sheridan dressed up as a cowgirl, and Colin was a race car driver! Both outfits were practically FREE, and the kids were very excited about their costumes. Funny thing about Colin's Race Car Driver costume, everyone kept asking Colin which race car driver was his favorite and who he was rooting for. We have absolutely NO CLUE! Colin just liked the outfit! We didn't even know that there was a big race this weekend at the Texas Motor Speedway!!!
As it turns out, both Sheridan and her best friend, Isabelle, were both dressed as cowgirls! They were so cute together!

We let the kids go trick or treating for about an hour. Colin did so much better than last year. He walked up to the doors with or without Sheridan and would say "Trick or Treat" and "Thank you" to each homeowner. Greg & I were able to stand back and watch our son become grown up and independent before our eyes! Last year, we had to walk to the doors with him, and he wouldn't say a word to the homeowners. This year, he would walk up on his own and sometimes insist on "going alone" (as much as we would let him). But, Colin did tire out after about 30 minutes, then wanted to be carried the remainder of the time. Sheridan was having a great time going door to door. So Greg carried Colin on his shoulders the remainder of the time, and Sheridan proceeded to fill her bucket, then fill Colin's too!

We finished the night by coming back to our house, turning our lights on, and passing out candy to more kids! It's a toss up on which the kids liked better, going door to door or passing the candy out!

This is the 2nd year that we've let the kids go trick or treating. Since Sheridan can't eat the candy, we take it to their pediatric dentist who will "buy" the candy from them. She pays them $1 for every pound of candy. So, this year, Sheridan wanted to take the candy to the dentist the very next day, but her offices were closed. The kids waited patiently and sold their candy on Tuesday. Sheridan was paid $4, and Colin was paid $2 (I redistributed some of Colin's candy to Sheridan's bucket since she was the one that did most of the work). Colin did ask why Sheridan got more money and understood my explanation that Sheridan did more trick or treating than he did.

Here are pictures of one of their favorite treats from the night that we let them keep!

I must say that I was very proud of my kids for how they handled their candy money. They each divided the money up between their Spend, Save, and Give envelopes. I was going to let them put it all in their Spend envelopes, but they insisted on dividing it up, just like they do with their chore money! They are learning early how to handle their money! Hopefully, they'll remember when their older!

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