Saturday, November 15, 2008

Canton Shopping

OK...since it's been almost four weeks since we posted anything, I thought that I'd do a quick catch up posting!

About 6 weeks ago or so, I spent a day shopping in Canton with some friends and had a wonderful time! A BIG Thank You to my husband who stepped up and played me for a day!! (He took Sheridan to school, did our grocery shopping, and did my afternoon of carpool duty!!) I was finally able to find some pieces to decorate our house...yes, it's been almost 5 1/2 years to do this! I went to Canton on a Friday, and Greg & I spent the following morning hanging it ALL up!

So I thought that I'd share my wonderful finds!

Dining Room Decor, best VALUE decor!!! Mirror...FREE and repainted (was given to me over a year ago at a FREE Garage Sale). Metal artwork was marked down to $17 each from $50!!! Still looking for something RED to add color to the wall.

I'm not crazy about the cross, sign, picture arrangement in our bedroom. For now, it will do. I'm not exactly sure how I want it to look.

Apparently, First Monday Trade Days is open on New Year's Day!!! Since I'm not interested in watching a bunch of college football (especially since my team will probably not be playing), my sister and I are planning a shopping trip on this day. Anyone else want to join us??? Let's see what other bargains and inspirations we can find!!!!

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