Monday, October 26, 2009

Heater in October...

...really?!?! The weather in Texas this fall has been very unusual, to say the least. We've had so much rain that I've lost count of the # of days or the # of inches! I'm kind of wondering if we're close to hitting the record for rainfall?!?!

So, today's weather, of course, was rainy & chilly. I think the high was in the low to mid-50s, but also a little windy! However, my biggest surprise was that the thermostat in our home reads 70 degrees, usually, very comfortable to the Kemper Clan. Ironically though, I found myself cold & soon cuddling on the couch with Colin (I'll take that anytime though). Colin's arms & hands felt cold, and he admitted that he was cold and asked to cuddle under the blanket with me, never mind the fact that he had a short sleeve shirt on & refused to put a long sleeve one on!

For a moment, I thought about turning on our heater. But WAIT! It's only October! To me, this is way too early to turn on the heater! In fact, I'm pretty sure that we usually don't turn on the heater until close to Thanksgiving or into early December. Also, the house temperature was 70 degrees! During the winter, we set our thermostat at 68 degrees. So, the house isn't even cold enough for the heater to come on! Are you kidding me, Sarah? (Is what I told myself!) So, I quickly stopped wimping out, put on my fleece jacket, put a portable space heater by our kitchen table for dinner time, and REFUSED to turn on the house heater! I think that I'm the only crazy person here, and am pretty sure that Greg will turn on the heater as soon as he gets home in the morning!

One of my friends commented on Facebook that it's cheaper to heat the home versus the cooling costs and couldn't understand what the big deal is about turning on the heater. I do LOVE the milder temperatures in Texas while they last, and October is supposed to have milder temperatures! I love how the milder temps don't require the use of either a heater or air conditioning! However, I must admit (not surprising to many of you) that I'm a cheapskate, penny pincher, tight wad, etc, etc! I was raised to work hard for every penny and was taught almost 4 years ago to make every penny work hard for me! So, I like to make good use of every penny that God has blessed us with...and also, yes, I am cheap and would love to make good use of the milder temps to help me out with my cause! So, I still refuse to turn on the heater!

Well, sort of! I won't make my children suffer! So, yes, I turned on the heater upstairs where their rooms are...but I still have my fleece jacket on and will just add an extra blanket to my bed instead and pray that the milder temps and no rain conditions will quickly return to Texas!!!

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