Monday, August 25, 2008

Hannah Montana & Jonas Brothers Mania

Hannah Montana & Jonas Brothers mania has officially hit our home!!!

We started letting Sheridan watch Hannah Montana after her birthday, and she has gone CRAZY for this show & character! She likes the Jonas Brothers too, but she's more interested in Hannah!

When the Hannah Montana 3-D concert was on t.v. last month, Sheridan decided to put her Hannah wig on and do her own little performance. She doesn't know all the words yet, but it's pretty cute! Colin also joins in on the fun, and he was told to pretend to be the Jonas Brothers, all 3 of them...big job for 1 little guy!!! Here's a video of our little Hannah and mini Jonas trio (sorry it's dark, this was very impromptu!)

We think that the princess phase is slowly fading away for "older" fascinations now (sniff, sniff)!

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