Thursday, August 28, 2008

Back to School!

Sheridan started her first day of 2nd grade today! I can't believe that she's already in the 2nd Grade! I keep thinking, NOOOOO!!!! NOT YET! Where's my baby?!?! She just seems to be growing so fast! I tease her and tell her that I'm going to keep her in 1st grade, and she just laughs and says "NOPE! I'm in 2nd grade now!"

I think that she was a little nervous about her class and teacher. She had trouble falling asleep last night, then woke up early this morning. She also told Greg that she didn't sleep well, and later told me on the way into the school that she was tired! So, when we walked into the school, she was extremely quiet and withdrawn, not her usual talkative, energetic self! I'm hoping that tomorrow will go better and that she'll get a great night's sleep tonight!

The teacher that she has this year, she actually had in Kindergarten for music. Last year, Mrs. Wilder made the move from music and taught a 2nd grade class. So Sheridan gets to have Mrs. Wilder for her 2nd grade teacher. Many of the girls from Sheridan's class last year have either moved on to other schools, moved away, or are in another class. There are 2 girls in her class now that were in her class last year and one that was in her class in Kindergarten. I'm sure she will be fine once she gets comfortable and comes out of her shell!

As you will see in the pictures, Sheridan was very excited to have her own Hannah Montana messenger bag as well as lunch bag. I didn't let her play with or use them until today. She was very excited to get her hands on them....finally!

By the way, I thought that I'd show you how much she's changed since Kindergarten (as you can tell, she picks the same outfit to wear on the 1st day!). The pictures go in order from Kindergarten, 1st Grade & 2nd Grade. You can see her inching her way up in height in front of our fireplace!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

At least you got some pictures in her classroom. Audrey wouldn't even let me walk her to her class. Paige and I followed from a very far distance, and I eventually "peeked" into her room and got a "wave" from her...