Thursday, August 28, 2008

Back to School!

Sheridan started her first day of 2nd grade today! I can't believe that she's already in the 2nd Grade! I keep thinking, NOOOOO!!!! NOT YET! Where's my baby?!?! She just seems to be growing so fast! I tease her and tell her that I'm going to keep her in 1st grade, and she just laughs and says "NOPE! I'm in 2nd grade now!"

I think that she was a little nervous about her class and teacher. She had trouble falling asleep last night, then woke up early this morning. She also told Greg that she didn't sleep well, and later told me on the way into the school that she was tired! So, when we walked into the school, she was extremely quiet and withdrawn, not her usual talkative, energetic self! I'm hoping that tomorrow will go better and that she'll get a great night's sleep tonight!

The teacher that she has this year, she actually had in Kindergarten for music. Last year, Mrs. Wilder made the move from music and taught a 2nd grade class. So Sheridan gets to have Mrs. Wilder for her 2nd grade teacher. Many of the girls from Sheridan's class last year have either moved on to other schools, moved away, or are in another class. There are 2 girls in her class now that were in her class last year and one that was in her class in Kindergarten. I'm sure she will be fine once she gets comfortable and comes out of her shell!

As you will see in the pictures, Sheridan was very excited to have her own Hannah Montana messenger bag as well as lunch bag. I didn't let her play with or use them until today. She was very excited to get her hands on them....finally!

By the way, I thought that I'd show you how much she's changed since Kindergarten (as you can tell, she picks the same outfit to wear on the 1st day!). The pictures go in order from Kindergarten, 1st Grade & 2nd Grade. You can see her inching her way up in height in front of our fireplace!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

One Last Summer Playday!

Well, Sheridan starts the 2nd grade tomorrow. How EXCITING!
We met her teacher this morning, then went to Main Event in Lewisville for one last playday before school starts! The kids really enjoyed playing putt-putt glow in the dark golf. We also played games and rode virtual rides. Sheridan & Colin really liked riding the "roller coaster" ride and the horse race game. They got to try to be horse jockeys! We all had fun, and Colin was pretty tired by the time we left.
Time for school tomorrow!!!

Highland Village Balloon Festival

We went to the Highland Village Balloon Festival a couple of weeks ago. We went in the early morning because we thought there was going to be a launch. As it turns out, it was a balloon drop competition. The goal for the "drivers" was to get as close as possible to a large red X and drop a bean bag for their score. There were probably only two that managed to get close enough because of the winds.
In the evening, we went back for what was supposed to be a launch. However, because of high winds, the balloons couldn't take off. So to please all the crowds of people, they just inflated the balloons so everyone could see, take pics, and get up close! The kids really enjoyed it!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Hannah Montana & Jonas Brothers Mania

Hannah Montana & Jonas Brothers mania has officially hit our home!!!

We started letting Sheridan watch Hannah Montana after her birthday, and she has gone CRAZY for this show & character! She likes the Jonas Brothers too, but she's more interested in Hannah!

When the Hannah Montana 3-D concert was on t.v. last month, Sheridan decided to put her Hannah wig on and do her own little performance. She doesn't know all the words yet, but it's pretty cute! Colin also joins in on the fun, and he was told to pretend to be the Jonas Brothers, all 3 of them...big job for 1 little guy!!! Here's a video of our little Hannah and mini Jonas trio (sorry it's dark, this was very impromptu!)

We think that the princess phase is slowly fading away for "older" fascinations now (sniff, sniff)!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Sheridan & Colin's Houston Adventure

Sheridan and Colin are in Houston this week, spending time with their grandparents, aunt & uncle, and cousins. I know they will have a great time...provided the TROPICAL STORM or HURRICANE miss them!

Yes, that's right! We left our kids in Houston just in time for a storm to be heading their way. So they get to experience lots of wind & rain! For me, if I were down there with them, we would've left already! Tropical storms & Sarah do not mix!!!

So this Mommy has nervous knots in my stomach; and the time over today and the next day will be a test for me to not worry and to TRUST God to watch over my babies!

I heard a Third Day song this morning ("Come On Back To Me") that really helped me that I wanted to share the chorus words:

Never mind your worries
Never mind your fears
They can only take you far from me
When you feel there's nowhere
Left for you to turn
Well, I got all you want
And everything you need
Come on back to me

Isn't it GREAT that we can run to the Lord with ALL our cares and concerns. He's got all I WANT and all I NEED!

As of 10:00 this morning, the storm had weakened a little and is currently Southeast of them in the Gulf. So I'm asking God to continue to weaken the storm before it makes landfall (my want) and to be with & comfort my children during the storm (my need that I know He has covered!). And I know that He's already with me to comfort and care for me! He's with you too if you will trust and ask Him!