Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day 2009

We wanted to wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day!

I hope that your Valentine's Day is better than ours! Originally, Greg's parents were supposed to come visit this weekend and let Greg & I go on a Valentine's date. However, the flu hit our home at the beginning of this week. So, we told Greg's parents to not come. Greg was still sick this morning, Colin has an off & on fever, Sheridan is finally well after missing 4 days of school, and I seem to have missed this round of sickness (knock on wood!).

Instead, we made the best of our situation. I made the kids heart shaped peanut butter sandwiches for lunch. Greg is well enough to make a nice dinner for the two of us, and we'll probably watch a movie tonight.

The talk of sickness brings something to mind: why is Valentine's Day in February? Isn't February usually the peak month for the flu & cold season? After this week, I vote to move it to September!

In any case, hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day! We love you all!

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