Saturday, September 6, 2008

Kids Kamp Chefs

A little catch up time...

Sheridan & Colin spent part of their summer in Kids Kamp, the childcare that was provided for IBC staff kids. They were still in the building with me, but had specially planned activities and were very loved & cared for! Both of them looked forward to their time on Tuesdays & Thursdays of each week!

The summer theme for Kids Kamp was cooking in the kitchen. Throughout the summer, the kids learned how to prepare, make & cook a variety of foods under supervision, of course! During August, their class focused on foods from other nations around the world. It was fun to hear about, then, come home to look on our world map to find where that country is!

The last day of Kids Kamp, our little chefs hosted a Taste the Nations food demonstration for all the parents. They "took" our order from a menu, then brought our food and served us just like a REAL waitstaff would! It actually was REALLY good, and they were sent home with recipe books of the food they made so we can make it together at home!

Greg & I forgot our regular camera at home, but thank goodness, our new phones have cameras on them. So, the pictures are a little grainy and dark, but at least we have them!!

Sheridan Learns to Tie Her Shoes

Sheridan has really small feet for her age (she gets it from her daddy!). So, she is still mostly in "toddler" style shoes that use mostly velcro. Since school has started, most of the shoes that she's wearing actually have laces and need to be tied! I'm pretty sure that most 2nd graders already know how to tie their shoes! So, Sheridan's playing catch up and is finally learning to tie her shoes! She is also learning that this takes patience to learn and master! She's done a pretty good job of not getting too frustrated and did a great job with her shoes this morning!

She's so proud of herself!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Heart "Attack" for Mommy!

I love our daughter, and she is growing so fast...sometimes too fast!

Sheridan announced to me yesterday that she has a BOYFRIEND who is in her class at school! She was so excited and told me his name and that she REALLY, REALLY LIKES him! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This boy was also in her class in Kindergarten, and she told me back then that he was her "boyfriend." I clarified back then that he was a friend that was a boy, and she agreed. This time is different! She has this little sparkle in her eye and a HUGE smile when she talks about him. Could this be her 1st crush?!?! I'm sure the 1st of many! Unfortunately, this is an instance of like mother, like daughter. I had my 1st "boyfriend" in Kindergarten through 1st Grade. We sometimes would see each other at church and sit next to each other. WOW! I feel bad now for my dad!!!

As my stomach is turning into knots and my heart is aching, all I can think is "NOOO!!! NOT YET!!!" Where's my baby?!?! I'm not going to deal with this well when it comes time for "going together" and "first dates," but thankfully that is WWWAAAYYY down the road! At least, it better be!