Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Washington update #2

I thought that I'd update y'all again and let you know how we are doing!

On Saturday, we visited with Greg's Uncle Darrell, Aunt Margaret & his cousins and families. We had a great relaxing time, and enjoyed catching up since we last saw them in Jan. 2004 (I was pregnant with Colin!). The kids enjoyed playing hide & seek with Natasha & Valerie. Then, later, they played in the hallway with Debbie. It was great to see Colin come out of his shell, and he's been warming up quickly to all the strangers to him.

On Sunday, we packed up and headed down to Tacoma. We stopped at Sarah's Uncle Robert & Auntie Chong's house for lunch. We were able to visit with them and Sarah's Auntie Josie & Auntie May as well. The food was plentiful, and the kids were spoiled with gifts and money to buy gifts back in Texas! After this, we headed down to Olympia and visited with Sarah's Grandpa Bill. It was so nice to see him and keep him company for a couple of days. I wish that we could see him more often! The kids enjoyed running around on his land and even got to play with 3 girls that live next door. These 3 girls are very sweet and check on Grandpa daily!

On Monday, we went back to Tacoma to visit with Sarah's Uncle Efren (since he had to work on Sunday). He took us out to lunch and visited longer at his house after. Then, that evening, we went to Sarah's cousin Renee's house. We were able to visit with Renee, Auntie Linda, Uncle Len & Auntie Shirley, Grandma Carlos, Danielle & Isabelle (4 in July), Kelly & Malia (5), Evelyn (3), & Vincent Jr (18 mos). The kids really enjoyed playing with the other children and running around a big house! Unfortunately, we forgot the camera, so we didn't get any picks of the kids together or how much the kids in WA have grown and changed! :-(

We headed north yesterday and are now in Port Angeles, WA. We visited with Sarah's Uncle Bud, Aunt Cynthia, cousins Hannah & Rachel, and Rachel's baby Anna. Anna is almost 5 months old, and so cute! We do have pics and will download when we get home!

Today, we will be heading up to Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA! Sheridan keeps asking when we get to go to Canada, or "Are we in Canada yet?!?!" So today, we finally get to say Today & YES! We'll be up in Canada today (Weds) & tomorrow, and we will ferry back to the U.S. on Friday. We spend Friday evening with Greg's Uncle Darrell & Aunt Margaret before we fly out Saturday morning.

It's been a great trip and we are having a great time! Can't wait to see some of you soon!

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